In continuation with my previous post...........
In the last two years, it never occured to me that my quality of communication actually suffered. A word would trigger me to go on about things vouching in the space where the argument can not hold water. Sheer wastage of energy and time! My mother would often remark, ‘you are always on phone’. She is so right that’s the first thing I checked before I sleep and after I got up in the last two years.
Besides, reading junk information in the countless shared posts, accentuated with silly emoticans only ate my grey matter. I became mentally exhausted way too often. If there was silence in the WhatsApp world, I craved for messages like a drug addict. Seriously! Why would I want the world to peep into my everyday moments. They are too precious and private for me. I want a shield to protect my world from the external gaze.
It has been only two weeks that I have conducted this experiment to regualte my usage of WhatsApp. I need it for official communication. Sure, I do. But What I did was:
1. Set the time-I made it an unspoken rule that I will not feed on the unnecessary information sent by people at any moment. I would check the messanger twice a day: 2’oclock, 8o’clock. Why these timings? Because if there is anything urgent, I can always respond by afternoon and I would not look at my phone after 8. The day ends for me at that time.
2. Return to Normalcy-I realised within a day of this experiment that I can feel my limbs, breathe with alertness, drink water and eat in peace without typing reply to a friend who has seen me online and now expects me to reply. More importantly, I could listen ‘my Voice’ which was lost in this cacophony. I could think about the issues which I want to; not what others are pushing me to respond to. Got back the control of my time and energy.
3. Technology in my control-The control was in my hand. I could share, respond to whoever I want within the set time frame. Using the technology, but at my convenience. I was not being steered anymore. I governed my time, my energy and my responses.
4. Mental calmness and interest in hobby-Since, I have more time at my disposal, I have started using it for my hobbies like reading, writing, gardening. I so love this new found freedom.

Have you tried this digital detox? Tell me about your experiences.
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