I wrote a poem in memory of the four-month-old girl who was stabbed to death by her own mother in Jaipur. Questioning the regressive thinking, the poem dwells on female infanticide as the main theme. This poem got listed in the Exceptional Poem category by Writer's Ezine Magazine for December'16 issue. Happy to know that!
Blood tears of a broken soul
By Priyanka Chauhan
Barbaric, psychotic, demented,
Why did you kill me?
I was your tiny angel, O Mother,
Nurtured for four months,
Strangulated, the next moment!
Wrapped covertly in towel- soaked blood,
That blood was yours!
How could you lift your hands to smother me?
Stabbed me 17 times!
17 times! you struck me; painting me black and blue and RED.
Your hands did not shiver with this brutality,
What was my fault? Born a girl, just like you are, your mother- my grandmother was,
What did I ever do wrong?
Had god asked if I wished to be girl?
Thinking of this massacre, my answer would be ‘No’.
Cold blooded murder!
blind, consumed with your desire for son,
I would have given you what a son can’t: love, respect, care, friendship for life.
You scarred my sister,
Your blood stained hands,
gave me life, only to take away my ‘right to live’
In a country, where women are worshipped
You did this to me!
humanity is ashamed today!
Beyond forgiveness is your act.
When a daughter kills a daughter,
What to expect from a man?
What thoughts you had, when you sharpened your axe? Tell me…
: butcher her mercilessly, conceal her body from the world, bury her...
O brute, my tiny hands, toes didn’t cringe your soul?
When you ravaged me with sharp knife,
What a disgrace to human race!
Animals are still better,
For they kill for hunger,
You stabbed me for mere gender!
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