This simple question has a detailed yet nuanced answer. I arrive at it from the deep shores of a point where heart converges with the mind. From the land of stories, words gush out effortlessely to form gentle streams of emotions, creating ripples in the hinterland of memories.
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I will enlist a few points as to why writing is panacea for me:-

I will enlist a few points as to why writing is panacea for me:-
- Whenever I write, I discover a new aspect about my existence. Something which eluded me all this while. I find strength, peace and bliss. Putting words to paper makes me unconditionally happy about why I am alive. It makes me engage deeper with the eternal question plaguing the purpose of my life.
- Writing establishes a deeper connect with myself. I discover new things about what I like, what I want, what I feel intensely through words on a piece of paper than thousand other things, experiences put together. The medium is effective and electric for me.
- It makes me escape present and fuse all time zones. I exist in a Universe of my own created solely by my thoughts, ideas, characters, stories. There is no place for the worldly wise out here. The space is sacred to me as a temple is to a devotee. It is like a meditative practice to me when I come out of it, I feel rejuvenated to take on with my life with a renewed perspective.
- I am my own boss. This is one space where I call the shots. No one is there to give me instructions to do a particular thing in a particular way. My writings are a mouthpiece to channel my inhibitions.
- I reach out far and wide through words. Besides food, words too can directly connect to the hearts of people. You can inspire, uplift, reach, talk to people through your writings. Thus, writing like wind germinates few mind pondering thoughts in others.
- It's a passion. I feel like coming back to it every now and then. It a soul-calling exercise. It's a need. A desire. A fire.
- Writing is a therapy for me. I turned to writing when I was into depression about various facets if my life. This was the only door which was open when all others had closed. I took to it involuntarily at that point. It was writing which chose me than the other way round. And I understood I am born to write and create, float in the world of words. I am not complaining.
- It's my canvas where I can paint whatever I want. Writing awards me with the feeling of being an artist. I can sculpt, paint, read, write my characters the way I want. It's thoroughly satisfying endeavour to be in constant struggle of adding layers to your stories.
- It's a window to block negativity. Through words, I have been able to block out negative energy. It opens up vistas of creativity, wonder, amusement, achievement.
- To put it simply, writing is now a way of life for me. I do not know of other ways to exist today. It is my best friend whom I amn't willing to say goodbye to ever.
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