Wednesday 16 January 2019

Park anecdotes

Whenever I take my kid to park, that is the only time I socialize. I meet fellow mothers and listen to their predicament which comes while raising children. It's almost fascinating of the variety of information I get to hear.

One such incident happened yesterday when a friend of mine who is a Muslim by religion  out of nowhere asked me a question I never really faced before. "Do you know why people are reverting to Islam in US?" It must be mentioned at this point that she has lived in US for almost a decade and had to reluctantly return due to visa issues.

Well, neither have I lived in US nor do I practice Islam by birth. I firmly believe that all religion teach us core values focussing on love, brotherhood, acceptance. Humanity is way above a religion for me than man-made rituals. I was wondering why she choose to ask such a sensitive question.

I told her I am not the right person to answer this question which needs detailing, facts to substantiate any claim made whatsoever. However, she came across unconvinced about my response. Then, she dwelled on teachings from Islam, navigating me through the genesis of the holy scripture, how a word can't be changed in it, to how she finds all answers to her problem in Islam.

I had the inkling she was trying to plant thoughts of conversion in my head for she said "we believe that every human is born Muslim. It is only later they 'revert' to Islam'. I am still unclear as to why such a topic on a pleasant evening was even discussed at a time when park held interetsing sights of children endless mirth and games.

I didn't enjoy such conversation, that's all I say. People should know what to bring up, where, and why before they bombard the other person with information which is remotely sought.

I took my son back to apartment as it had become chilly. Back home we snuggled in our cosy nest and enjoyed noodles with vegetables. All in all, time with son made up for a bad mood.

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