Wednesday 16 November 2016

Benefits of blogging 

The song from Frozen by Idina Menzel: Here, I'll stand and here I'll stay echoes in my mind as I write this brief after having crossed the milestone of 50 posts :) 

It has been a long journey. I have finally made half-century as far as number of posts in my blog are concerned. Here, I wish to stand, as I am forever connected to my blog. This space is my own. Nothing, absolutely nothing, can influence my thoughts in this domain. 

My blog has been like my baby whom I had given birth in 2008. Since, then I have been on a journey recording milestones, sharing memories, writing what concerns me about the world, people, relationships, life in particular. Each word straight from my heart, no strings attached, whatsoever. It has been my companion in good times, more importantly, in worst times. When I had no one to talk to, I turned to blogging. My innermost feelings found an expression here. It buried the restlessness.

I don't remember how and why I had started blog in the first place. I think the journey began when I was aspiring to become a journalist and seeking admission in India's top notch institute for media, IIMC. My first post was this. I am equally proud of what I wrote eight years back. 

Each post is truly special in its own way. 8 years, 50 posts. Not bad. Though, I should have been more regular in the years that went by. Nonetheless, the present number too makes me feel happy. This is the perfect occasion for me to also share how blogging has helped me become a better writer.:

1) Increased familiarity with words- The more I blog, the better I know my words. They are like my friends. I can call them whenever I need them. They serve and are at my beck-and-call.
2) Inspired to look for ideas-I look for ideas to write in whatever experience I go through daily. Everything and anything tells a story. My job as a blogger is to tap those stories and express in this space. I feel truly accomplished once I press the 'Publish' button. Ideas invite me to write about them, convert them into a full-fledged story.
3) Writing is best, when it is from heart-My blog has taught me that writing which comes straight from heart is always heard and responded by readers. It connects with everyone.
4) Blog being an ardent listener-All my rants, frustations, emotional turmoil, opinions, discourses, meditations, philosophy were absorbed by these plugged in ears. Anytime, my blog was always wired to listen to me. This confidence and trust reposed over the last eight years is what makes my relationship with blogging truly special. 
5)Reach out to audience- My blog has global readership from countries like US, UK, Ukraine, France, Germany, Europe. They reach out through the medium of this space and connect with him. Single comment, a single post does make a lot of difference. It drives me to keep writing. Keep churning out words. 
6) Reinforces discipline, brings consistency- No skill is perfected if it not practiced consistently. It doesn't bear fruitful results. My blog motivated me to document instances from real life which otherwise would have gone unnoticed. This exercise in turn honed my writing skills making me a better story-teller. The craft of writing like any other skill needs utmost regularity. My blog, therefore, came to me like poetry comes to a poet- spontaneous. 

What's been your blogging experience like?

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